Friday 2 February 2024

Here am I send me.

God calls and we follow. Easy right? Sometimes God gives us choices. We get up in the morning and look in the wardrobe for something to wear. We don’t have to pray about it just make a choice. God has given us the ability to choose. We always have free will to do what we want but in the bigger decisions in life I want to clearly hear what God has to say about it. What is his will? 

When there is a fork in the road which way do we travel? When the river forks which way do we sail our boat? Every decision in life has consequences good and bad. Sometimes we make wrong choices and suffer the consequences. Sometimes the decisions are the right ones but still there are fall outs and repercussions. 

I was 16 when I was called to ministry. Sat in church on a Sunday morning listening to a sermon on Isaiah 6. Isaiah had an encounter with God that he couldn’t deny. He was faced with his own sinfulness and inadequacies. God said to him, ‘Whom shall I send and who will go for us?’

If God asked you that question what would you say? My response and that of Isaiah was, ‘Here am I send me.’

It’s not always easy. But if we don’t follow God then who are we? Before the term Christian was used we were ‘Followers of the Way.’ That’s what I want to be, a ‘Follower of the Way!’ Look out for the sign posts as you travel and journey with God. May our answer always be, ‘Here I am send me.’

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