Friday 16 February 2024

Gifts and Acorns

All of us have been given gifts and talents. Some of us use them well. Some of us just shove them in a draw or a pocket and forget them. Some of us are a mixture of the two. There are of course seasons where perhaps we don’t use all that we have been given, for whatever reason. 

I took this photo at the local Sculpture Park. It intrigues me. The image seems to be of a child handing an adult something. Maybe an acorn? To me there is trust in the interaction. Trust that what is given will be honoured, treasured, and handled well. Not screwed up and thrown in the bin. But treasured as much as the giver treasures it. 

It is half-term week here, in other places half term is just starting. Our children, and grandchildren, are a gift in themselves. Enjoy the gift. Treasure the moments. Place your hand in theirs and embrace the moment. 
Acorns become mighty oak trees. Little ideas become successful ventures. Our young people become leaders. But these things don’t happen overnight they need nurturing and time and good soil in which to grow. 

I consider myself a life long learner. I’m always learning something. I like to try new things and am currently enjoying a creative streak. It’s good to push our comfort zones occasionally. We never know what we can achieve until we try. 

Sometimes God gives us gifts and we reject them. They can’t really be for us can they? It’s not until we unwrap the gift that we realise how beautiful and precious and truly perfect it is for us. 

So what has God placed into your hand? What are your gifts and talents? Is God wanting to give you another gift? Have you any gifts that you are yet to unwrap? I encourage you to peel back the paper and take a peep. 

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