Saturday 14 January 2023

The battlefield of the mind

Some people just leave impressions on your life, even when you don’t know them on a deep level. Today my husband and I attended a military funeral for Lieutenant Colonel (Retd.) Richard ‘Skid’ Dorney MBE at Salisbury Cathedral. Skid came up through the ranks of the Grenadier Guards. A true leader who was compassionate and always had time for people. On retirement from the guards he continued his work in supporting those with mental health issues, particularly those effected by trauma and PTSD. Setting up a company called Strong Mind Resilience delivering courses on mental health first aid, suicide awareness, and much more. 

In the eulogy we were reminded that Skid would say, ‘there are no atheists on the battlefield.’ When we are facing death in the face then you have to be a brave man or woman to deny God’s existence. 

So are you strong minded? Do you know what you want and are clear in what you believe in? How is your resilience to life? Are you battling alone and failing miserably? We all need help once in a while and there is no shame in asking for that help, quite the opposite. Courses and training can help in overcome and living with many things. Talking and therapy can help to but so can prayer. Whatever you are feeling or thinking or worrying about right now why not talk to God about it? Prayers don’t need to be elegant and you don’t have to hold anything back. If you are angry, even angry at God tell him. Get it out your system. If you are confused and don’t know where to start God even listens to and understands our groans. Actually, he already knows how we feel and is aware of all that goes on in our lives but we still have to do our bit and come to him. We have free choice. God honours that. So what do you choose? 

Look up, instead of inward. Know that God loves you. Yes, even you. No matter what you have done, or how long you have denied him and pushed him away. He awaits you on that battlefield and when that last post sounds. 

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