Saturday, 28 September 2013

My tears wash the feet

I have been away on the East Midland Baptist Association's ministers' retreat this week. We were blessed with two fantastic speakers again this year, Julie Kilpin (you can find her on twitter @julietkilpin) from Urban Expression (@urbanshalom) and Ian Stackhouse. Juliet was talking about alternative expressions of church and Ian on his book Primitive Piety. I have already blogged on Ian's book - when I eventually find the post I will post you a link! Why am I always so amazed at how much God speaks to my heart during this time?

We ended the retreat with praise and worship and Ian spoke to us on Luke 7: 36-50 - the women who anointed Jesus feet. As I reflected on the following verse and the love expressed I wrote this short poem.

'As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.' Luke 7:38

My tears wash the feet

My tears wash the feet
Of the Saviour I meet.
My scares are seen
In his hands and feet.
In the mirror,
That once was dark,
I see the light.
Reflection seen,
The picture of me
And Christ inside.

©Revdjo 27/9/13 

Thursday, 19 September 2013

The Mind of Christ

Baptist Church meetings are all about finding the mind of Christ. They are not a democracy where everyone votes in an expression of their opinion but rather a theocracy where we seek to find the mind of Christ and listen to what God says about any one issue. This was on my mind as I wrote this poem. Let me know if you like it. I always have difficulties in knowing if what I write is hitting the spot or not. 

The mind of Christ
Is always there.
We search in earnest
And see him there.

He's in the midst
He weeps with you.
Sorrow and pain
Are in his stare.

Look up to Jesus
Nailed to a tree.
forgiven sinner
that's you and me.

Watch, listen.
We tread the path
on solid ground.

And pray we must
to seek his face,
With bended knee

The mind of Christ
He's in the midst.
Look up to Jesus
Watch, listen
And Pray we must.

Revdjo 18/9/13

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Caught in a World

Caught in a world 
Silently trapped.
No crying heard.
No going back.

Motionless movement.
Only a stir.
No dancing jig.
No evening twirl. 

Memories vivid.
Dreaming inside.
No recompense.
No chance for regret.

Patiently waiting.
Wanting to hear.
The voice of the maker
Say I'm over here.

©Revdjo 15/9/13

Thursday, 12 September 2013

No words can express

In the silence of night,
And cool autumn breeze,
My wandering mind
It falls to its knees.

Struggling to think,
Spiralling pain,
Empty inside
I call on your name.

No words can express,
I struggle to say,
As I pour out my soul 
Transformed by your Spirit.

Memories fixed,
Won't be forgotten,
Forgiveness and love
Grace reconciled.

Justice for all,
Or only the righteous?
These are the questions 
Please answer them Lord.

©Revdjo 11/9/13