There is so much buzzing through my head these days it is difficult to know what to do or think about first. I have a 'to do' list for medium to long term objectives but what about the more pressing things. Do I waste time making a list or do I just wade straight in and get on with the tasks and check them off my mental 'to do' list. Who knows what is right or wrong. My list of blogging subjects seems to be in the same vain. It seems though that there is a time lag in that I want to write about things after the proverbial horse has bolted rather than being current. Perhaps that is just the nature of being a reflective practitioner, or at least trying to be.
These are the things I have been thinking about and why. Should I, shouldn't I? What do you think?
Post traumatic stress disorder - I watched Ross Kemp's excellent program last night that looked at PTSD.
Armistice - I always get a bit chocked with the Remembrance Day words.
Spiritual direction - I have just taken this up.
Twitter - I am a new tweeter and slightly addicted.
Organizing my life - I am trying to find that work, life, spirituality balance.
Recipes - I have a number of food allergies that makes eating boring.
Jimmy Savile - how can we support the abused?
Opticians - 'seeing is believing' the search for vision.
Inter-faith - I listened to a Hindu speak on spirituality and quantum physics last night.
Stalking - I watched a very good program on this a month or so ago. I have been stalked.
Betting - was it right to bet on the Arch Bishop of Canterbury's appointment when it had been leaked?
Lucifer - do angles and demons exist?
Origami - to fold or not to fold? Just joking I know nothing about origami.
Gathering - is the word 'family' helpful in the context of church?
Gymnastics - spiritual and physical exercise.
Ingrowing toenail - how outward looking is the church?
Novel - is there a book in me somewhere?
Giggles - The need to laugh at myself.
Well pastor Jo is blogging .... and it looks a lot like a to do list.
Sounds like you have some interesting subjects lined up!