Sunday 18 February 2024


Sometimes, life can get rather out of focus. It ends in a blur and leaves us feeling dizzy. Maybe that’s you? 
I’m reminded of the song by Tommy Row and Freddy Weller called Dizzy. The lyrics of the chorus are: 

I'm so dizzy my head is spinning 
Like a whirlpool, it never ends 
And it's you, girl, making it spin 
You're making me dizzy

The song is about a girl making someone’s head dizzy. Romantic love can be a bit like that. It’s not always easy. Life can also get us in a spin. It doesn’t take much for us to loose our equilibrium and sense of balance. 

The Bible tells us to keep our eyes on Jesus. Whatever storm you may find yourself in I would encourage you to look to God and keep your eyes on a Jesus. The more grounded we are in our faith, the more our feet are planted on the rock the easier it will be to survive those curve balls of life. 

If you don’t know Jesus I would encourage you to get to know him. How? You will find him in the pages of the New Testament of the Bible. Maybe try reading through one of the gospels? The book of Mark is a good one to start with, but just choose one and give it a read. As you read try speaking to him, pray. Prayer is really just a conversation. If you want to address your prayers to God that’s also fine but it is Jesus who helps to bridge the gap between God and us. That’s his commission, his job if you will. If you start opening yourselves up and asking Jesus or God to make them selves real to you they will. You just have to invite them. 

If you are going through a hard time right now I pray that you may know the peace of God that passes all understanding and that you may know his love to overflowing. 

You can find the full song here: 

Friday 16 February 2024

Gifts and Acorns

All of us have been given gifts and talents. Some of us use them well. Some of us just shove them in a draw or a pocket and forget them. Some of us are a mixture of the two. There are of course seasons where perhaps we don’t use all that we have been given, for whatever reason. 

I took this photo at the local Sculpture Park. It intrigues me. The image seems to be of a child handing an adult something. Maybe an acorn? To me there is trust in the interaction. Trust that what is given will be honoured, treasured, and handled well. Not screwed up and thrown in the bin. But treasured as much as the giver treasures it. 

It is half-term week here, in other places half term is just starting. Our children, and grandchildren, are a gift in themselves. Enjoy the gift. Treasure the moments. Place your hand in theirs and embrace the moment. 
Acorns become mighty oak trees. Little ideas become successful ventures. Our young people become leaders. But these things don’t happen overnight they need nurturing and time and good soil in which to grow. 

I consider myself a life long learner. I’m always learning something. I like to try new things and am currently enjoying a creative streak. It’s good to push our comfort zones occasionally. We never know what we can achieve until we try. 

Sometimes God gives us gifts and we reject them. They can’t really be for us can they? It’s not until we unwrap the gift that we realise how beautiful and precious and truly perfect it is for us. 

So what has God placed into your hand? What are your gifts and talents? Is God wanting to give you another gift? Have you any gifts that you are yet to unwrap? I encourage you to peel back the paper and take a peep. 

Wednesday 14 February 2024

Reflections on Lent

Today marks the first day of Lent, Ash Wednesday to be precise. Many from the Anglican and Catholic traditions, amongst others, will have taken part in an Ashing service today. Ashes from the burning of last year’s Palm crosses are used to make the sign of the cross on a believers forehead. So if you have seen someone walking around with a black smudge on their forehead today you now know why! 

Lent traditionally means a period of 40 days of fasting ending at Easter. Sundays aren’t counted as they are considered feast days however, many people choose not to break their fast. Fasting can be from anything from meat to chocolate to social-media to abstaining from alcohol. It promotes self-control and self-discipline. 

Lent is also a time of reflection, often self-reflection. There is certainly no point in fasting if you don’t reflect and at least think about why you are doing so. 

As well as fasting people can also choose to take things up. It maybe gratitude and being purposely thankful for something everyday, or to do a good deed every day. The list is endless really. 

This year I have decided to abstain from alcohol and to blog more regularly. The aim is to blog every day but I don’t want to be legalistic about it as you never know what curve balls life will throw at you that will need their attention. I’ve done both of these things in the past so nothing knew for me. The reflections however will be different some of which I will blog others perhaps will be more private. 

Well not much hilarity going on in today’s post so far! So, what can I say to make you at least smile? I will leave you with a joke that I was told last week….

How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? 

Ten. Ten tickles! (tentacels)

So tell me a joke. Squid Pro Quo and all that! 


Friday 2 February 2024

Here am I send me.

God calls and we follow. Easy right? Sometimes God gives us choices. We get up in the morning and look in the wardrobe for something to wear. We don’t have to pray about it just make a choice. God has given us the ability to choose. We always have free will to do what we want but in the bigger decisions in life I want to clearly hear what God has to say about it. What is his will? 

When there is a fork in the road which way do we travel? When the river forks which way do we sail our boat? Every decision in life has consequences good and bad. Sometimes we make wrong choices and suffer the consequences. Sometimes the decisions are the right ones but still there are fall outs and repercussions. 

I was 16 when I was called to ministry. Sat in church on a Sunday morning listening to a sermon on Isaiah 6. Isaiah had an encounter with God that he couldn’t deny. He was faced with his own sinfulness and inadequacies. God said to him, ‘Whom shall I send and who will go for us?’

If God asked you that question what would you say? My response and that of Isaiah was, ‘Here am I send me.’

It’s not always easy. But if we don’t follow God then who are we? Before the term Christian was used we were ‘Followers of the Way.’ That’s what I want to be, a ‘Follower of the Way!’ Look out for the sign posts as you travel and journey with God. May our answer always be, ‘Here I am send me.’

Tuesday 10 October 2023

The Reckoning

The Reckoning staring Steve Coogan as the infamous Jimmy Savile is for some not an easy watch. Whilst it is triggering for those who have been victims of sexual crimes (so please don’t watch if that’s you) I would recommend you watch it. 

Coogan’s portrayal of Savile is superb capturing his mannerisms, voice, and subtle manipulative ways. It focuses our attention on the way that we the public and his victims were groomed. Chilling in many ways it helps to bring what is in the darkness into the light. It is so easy so sweep these things under the carpet, something the BBC did for years despite warnings by some, such as John Lyndon aka Johnny Rotten of The Sex Pistols fame. 

The Church has sadly failed to address its own calling in protecting those who are vulnerable and have fallen victim to those of a predatory nature. Maybe we do not want to admit these things, or people, exist? But if we are to live out Micah 6:8 ‘He has told you o mortal what is good. And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God.’ then we cannot turn a blind eye to injustice, the needs of the voiceless, and those who have been abused. 

Do perpetrators of sexual crimes also need to know the love of God? Yes. God is merciful and his love and forgiveness are available to all. Maybe you want such people to be put in jail and the key thrown away? Maybe that would be easier but occasionally people do show remorse and try to change. For me, God is the judge and only he knows if individuals are truly repentant or not. I believe in the hope of the gospel that is Jesus. I hope that sex offenders do change and live in that hope. Having worked in the prison system I am also a realist. For many they don’t change and continue to be manipulative seeking out unsuspecting victims, even in prison. 

What we can’t do is ignore someone’s past behaviour and put them in the middle of the sweetie jar without a contract of behaviour in place. Saville seemed to have lots of different sweetie jars to choose from: hospitals, Top of the Pops, Jim’ll Fix it, parties, anywhere where people knew of his fame. The world must have seemed one big sweetie jar to him and that saddens me. We, society, let him. We are all culpable in that regard. Some of course more culpable than others. This is a world problem. This sadly, is a problem in all our communities.

Coogan is a master of the detail. Comics live on the detail and finding the funny side of life. Word play, idiosyncrasies, and visual humour are all part of the comedians tool box. Here Coogan uses his skills to show us the nature of grooming. How one minute Savile plays the crowd charming those around him picking out his victim and then we see the turn and how he is behind closed doors. Then we see that his victims are people just like me and you. Not enough is said about grooming and the controlling natures of those who commit sexual offences. I hope that this program continues to flag this type of behaviour. If you are a church leader or work in an area where safeguarding is important do give this a watch but actually I would say everyone should watch it because after all if we all looked after one another the world would be a much safer place and people like Savile would no longer be able to operate. We can only live in hope.