The Bible talks of us as being arrows, polished and hidden in God’s quiver.
Listen to me, you islands;
Hear this, you distant nations:
From my mother’s womb he has spoken my name.
He made my mouth like a sharpened sword,
In the shadow of his hand he hid me;
He made me into a polished arrow
And concealed me in his quiver.
(Isaiah 49:1-2)
Jenny Sanders in her book Polished Arrows (Instant Apostle, 2024) takes us through this in detail. Looking at all the stages of arrow making from coppicing the wood, stripping back the bark, dealing with the knottieness and the splinters, sanding down the wood, putting in the nock, and oiling she uses these analogies to look at how God forms us ready to do his will.
I first met Jenny at Book Blest, a Christian festival that I help run. She is a great author and her books are really worth the read. If you get the chance to see her read one of her children’s books do make sure you go and take the kids/grandkids. She is so animated and fun! Jenny had us all putting on fake moustaches at Book Blest as she read from her book The Magnificent Moustache. She asked me recently if I would be part of her blog tour for Polished Arrows which I happily agreed to. The bonus of that was a free PDF copy of her book. What’s not to like?
Polished Arrows is very readable and perfect for those new or more mature in faith. It is rich with Bible references and stories put together to take us on a journey of exploring our own faith. At the end of each chapter are some question which help the reader to take hold of the challenges given and reflect on their own life. It would be a perfect book to use in a Bible study for a small group and is certainly a recommended read for individuals and groups alike.
I for one want to be polished and ready. A arrow ready for God to use in and for his Kingdom. What about you?