I have been away on the East Midland Baptist Association's ministers' retreat this week. We were blessed with two fantastic speakers again this year, Julie Kilpin (you can find her on twitter @julietkilpin) from Urban Expression (@urbanshalom) and Ian Stackhouse. Juliet was talking about alternative expressions of church and Ian on his book Primitive Piety. I have already blogged on Ian's book - when I eventually find the post I will post you a link! Why am I always so amazed at how much God speaks to my heart during this time?
'As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.' Luke 7:38
My tears wash the feet
My tears wash the feet
Of the Saviour I meet.
My scares are seen
In his hands and feet.
In the mirror,
That once was dark,
I see the light.
Reflection seen,
The picture of me
And Christ inside.
©Revdjo 27/9/13